Sunday, March 6, 2011

Clutter is Contagious

I've noticed that clutter is a contagious thing -- and I don't mean that it spreads from person to person. Rather, it spreads from room to room. I can have a perfectly clean and clutter free home (As if!!!) but once I start accumulating clutter, it slowly but surely spreads into other rooms of the house.

So here I am, struggling to overcome the clutter in my house all the while it is spreading like a disease. So to combat this disease, we're fighting it with flight, or more specific with flying. Slowly but surely one corner, one pile at a time, I can do things to combat this disease.


We decided to go away for the weekend. We had it all planned and I was totally excited to avoid my house and my mess for a couple of days. Unfortunately, things don't always turn out the way you would expect them to. When a friend of mine got wind of the fact that we were going away, she asked if we would mind having her company sleep in our house. Now she is a REALLY good friend and I owed her big. So how could I say no. So I said yes. And my body was screaming inside "NO!!!!!!" But at that point I had already committed to letting a family of six sleep in my tiny doll house. I had a heck of a lot of work to do.

But work I did. And by the time we left our house on Friday, there were six beds made up and my bedroom was looking pretty decent.

Now I know the title of this post is called "Clutter is Contagious" but the fact of the matter is, I mean the exact opposite.

On my nightstand I had left a copy of my book "Sink Reflections" by Marla Cilley. My flylady bible. My house guest found it. And even though she doesn't really know me or my struggles with clutter she immediately felt a kinship to me as she began reading the book.

I got some feedback of the weekend from my friend. Apparently, this book left quite an impression. And my house guest is now motivated to start taking baby steps and learn to fly herself. Hearing this bit of news has motivated me as well.

So instead of spreading clutter, lets make cleanliness contagious and clear our homes of clutter for good!


  1. Oh, Hudi, very very cool! So glad you are flying again!

  2. Amen to babysteps and keep up the good work. You should feel great!

  3. Whoohoo, let's do just that!
